March 04, 2025

Home on Libre Arts

ALSA Scarlett Control Panel 0.5

Geoffrey D. Bennett released a new version of ALSA Scarlett Control Panel aka “alsa-scarlett-gui”.

This software exposes extra controls over Focusrite’s audio interfaces for Linux users, and it does so in a sensible way: you get the minimum useful controls by default, the rest is displayed in additional windows.

Despite the name, the program supports both Scarlett, Clarett/Clarett+, and Vocaster devices.

Focusrite provides technical information and devices to Geoffrey—a very welcome departure from their past stance of not getting involved with Linux.

The major new change in the release is support for more audio interfaces:

  • 1st Gen: 6i6, 8i6, 18i6, 18i8, 18i20;
  • 4th Gen: 16i16, 18i16, 18i20.

Here is the control pannel running a simulation of 1st gen 8i6 (I’m an humble user of 1st gen 2i4, I can only get you that).

ALSA Scarlett Control Panel 0.5 running 1st gen 8i6 simulation

Other changes in the release notes:

  • Added 3rd Gen 18i8/18i20 S/PDIF/Digital I/O Mode startup controls.
  • Added peak value display to the level meters.
  • Highlight useful things on hover in the routing and mixer windows.

Here is what you now get when you hover a PCM output in the Routing window:


Similarly, hovering an rotary control in the Mixer window highlights the mix and the output that connects to it:


Geoffrey makes ready-to-use builds: an RPM for Fedora 38, a DEB for Debian/Ubuntu, and a flatpak.

March 04, 2025 02:02 PM

March 02, 2025

Home on Libre Arts

Weekly recap — 2 March 2025

Week highlights: CMYK image mode is WIP in GIMP, new release of LSP plugins, great changes in Inkscape, Friction, and FreeCAD.


Over on Mastodon, CmykStudent demoed the CMYK image mode they developed prior to working on the space invasion project. There is no public code yet (that I know of), so all I can get you is the video itself:

CmykStudent says:

It’s near the top of my TODO list to work on once the dust settles from the final 3.0 release.


Mike Kowalski revamped the docking system for better UI. Now when you want to move a dockable panel elsewhere and start dragging it, Inkscape displays possible target areas flashing in blue and expanding their size when you are about to drop the panel there.

Panel captions now also have an updated context menu displaying four typical docking targets (top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right) and an option to turn the panel into a window:

New docking menu in Inkscape

Two new merge requests worth mentioning:

Settings dialog proposal in Inkscape


The expressions editor in this animation authoring program now has named presets you can save and restore (the entire top toolbar in the dialog):

Expressions editor in Friction

Ole-André Rodlie also wrote initial documentation for the software in time for the v1.0 release expected within a week.


The main development branch now has three-point lighting, so the viewport rendering is now much prettier.

FreeCAD, 3-point lighting look

The relevant Preferences page has been updated. You can now set the color and intensity of the main light, the backlight, and the fill light.

FreeCAD, 3-point lighting settings

kadet1090 also implemented an option to show the placement (or origin) of the object: the center point, normal direction, and axes of the sketch.

FreeCAD, placement of object

LSP Plugins 1.2.21

Vladimir Sadovnikov released a new version of LSP plugins. There are no new plugins this time. However, the changes are still quite important:

  • The UI is now rendered with OpenGL (the Cairo fallback is still available).
  • The DSP library got additional AVX-512 optimizations.
  • The Sampler and Multisampler plugin series received several quality-of-life improvements, such as the ability to import drumkits, SFZ files, and LSPC files by dragging and dropping them directly into a plugin’s window.

SFZ in the Multisample

See here for the full list of changes.


Mysteries of Azeroth by Lionel Schramm, made with Blender and Photoshop:

Mysteries of Azeroth

The Star Well by Yuri Chuchmay, made with Krita:

The Star Well

Hanger by Jordan Soar, made with Blender and Photoshop:


Daily Painting by Wogan, made with Unreal Engine, Blender, and Photoshop::

Daily Painting by Wogan

March 02, 2025 02:02 PM

February 23, 2025

GStreamer News

GStreamer 1.25.90 (1.26.0 rc1) pre-release

The GStreamer team is excited to announce the first release candidate for the upcoming stable 1.26.0 feature release.

This 1.25.90 pre-release is for testing and development purposes in the lead-up to the stable 1.26 series which is now frozen for commits and scheduled for release very soon.

Depending on how things go there might be more release candidates in the next couple of days, but in any case we're aiming to get 1.26.0 out as soon as possible.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows will be made available shortly at the usual location.

Release tarballs can be downloaded directly here:

As always, please give it a spin and let us know of any issues you run into by filing an issue in GitLab.

February 23, 2025 11:30 PM

February 20, 2025

News – Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio 24.04.2 LTS Released, and Financial Help Needed

The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio 24.04.2 LTS. This is a minor release which wraps-up the security and bug fixes into one .iso image, available for download now.

Among the changes, we have updated the support and help links in the menu, fixed bugs in Ubuntu Studio Installer, and more. As always, check the Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS Release Notes release notes for more information.

Please give financially to Ubuntu Studio!

Giving is down. We understand that some people may no longer be able to give financially to this project, and that’s OK. However, if you have never given to Ubuntu Studio for the hard work and dedication we put into this project, please consider a monetary contribution.

Additionally, we would love to see more monthly contributions to this project. You can do so via PayPal, Liberapay, or Patreon. We would love to see more contributions!

So don’t wait, and don’t wait for someone else to do it! Thank you in advance!

Donate using PayPal
Donations are Monthly or One-Time
Donate using Liberapay
Donate using Liberapay
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Weekly, Monthly, or Annually
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Become a Patron!Donations are

by eeickmeyer at February 20, 2025 06:45 PM

February 18, 2025

GStreamer News

Orc 0.4.41 bug-fix release

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce another release of liborc, the Optimized Inner Loop Runtime Compiler, which is used for SIMD acceleration in GStreamer plugins such as audioconvert, audiomixer, compositor, videoscale, and videoconvert, to name just a few.

This is a bug-fix release.


  • orccodemem: Don't modify the process umask, which caused race conditions with other threads
  • Require glibc >= 2.07
  • x86: various SSE and MMX fixes
  • avx: Fix sqrtps encoding causing an illegal instruction crash
  • Hide internal symbols from ABI and do not install internal headers
  • Rename backend to target, including `orc-backend` meson option and `ORC_BACKEND` environment variable
  • Testsuite, tools: Disambiguate OrcProgram naming conventions
  • Build: Fix `_clear_cache` call for Clang and error out on implicit function declarations
  • opcodes: Use MIN instead of CLAMP for known unsigned values to fix compiler warnings
  • ci improvements: Upload the generated .S and .bin and include Windows artifacts
  • Spelling fix in debug log message

Direct tarball download: orc-0.4.41.tar.xz.

February 18, 2025 12:30 AM

February 17, 2025

Internet Archive - Collection: osmpodcast

An error occurred

The RSS feed is currently experiencing technical difficulties. The error is: invalid or no response from Elasticsearch

February 17, 2025 06:56 PM

Linux Archives - CDM Create Digital Music

Waverazor, MOK’s insane wave-slicing synth, just got a huge free update

Waverazor, the utterly, wonderfully mad wave-slicing synthesizer people too often overlook, just got a massive update with a bunch of new features. (Ring Delay!) It's free for new users, or there's an intro deal if you're intrigued. Mac, Windows, and Linux.

The post Waverazor, MOK’s insane wave-slicing synth, just got a huge free update appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.

by Peter Kirn at February 17, 2025 03:25 PM

February 16, 2025 - LAD

Software Pages Removed

I haven't been sure what to do about the software pages here for quite a while. Most of them were essentially just stale versions of the README files from their projects, and for better and worse, most of the projects I maintain are libraries that don't have as much of a need for a homepage as user-facing software. It's easy to just ignore things that don't really matter in day-to-day work, but the embarrassingly bad state of things became really clear when I sat down to actually poke through this site.

Since it's much more important for me right now to streamline maintenance duties and eliminate as much overhead as possible, I've simply removed all of the software pages, and redirected those addresses to the corresponding Gitlab projects where possible. I might bring them back at some point, but for now, no pages are better than stale pages that really only serve to make things look bad. I don't have traffic metrics here, but I seriously doubt anyone will either notice or care.

I'm not sure about the utility of the software release posts or tarballs either. Ideally, the effort required to make a release could be reduced to simply pushing a git tag, and cross-domain posting hugely complicates that. Besides, the tarballs are made manually on my personal machine, so they're absolutely less trustworthy than the signed tags in git anyway, and, I assume, not reproducible. At the same time, for many reasons I'm wary of fully investing in some git forge or another, the automatic tarballs provided by all of them leave much to be desired (the silly "v" names for example), and I don't want to disrupt things for packagers. We'll see, but for now I'll leave the mechanics of actual releases as they are.

Ultimately, pages and posts are largely a waste of time for libraries and similar things that only support other projects anyway. So, a more radical simplification of the release process would be a good idea, but for now I'll just take out the trash and reduce the amount of things I need to consider in that process.

by drobilla at February 16, 2025 04:32 PM


Microwave XT knob replacements

From the desk of Malte Steiner:

"Had to replace the knob caps of my beloved Waldorf Microwave XT synthesizer . The original ones started to disintegrate a while ago which is well known. Using knobs with indicators on endless rotary encoders is a bit silly (which didn’t stopped Kodamo on their Essence FM synth), but I am happy with the look. Good that I don’t have children, the old knobs look like sugar coated drops, dangerous."

by herrsteiner ( at February 16, 2025 11:30 AM

February 14, 2025


new Notstandskomitee album this year

Seems that Malte Steiners Industrial / IDM project Notstandskomitee has enough tracks together for a new album. block 4 suggests a CD this year. Not sure if we make it before the summer. Notstandskomitee is now focusing on the creation of the technical platform for upcoming audiovisual concerts.

Meanwhile check out the backcatalog:

by herrsteiner ( at February 14, 2025 02:00 PM

February 10, 2025

Linux Archives - CDM Create Digital Music

Ableton Move is a hit for blind and low vision users; more like this, please

Ableton Move's screen reader support is still getting rave reviews from blind and low-vision users, even though it's not officially documented. Here's more about how it works and more about what's left to do - and an appeal to the entire industry to add more accessibility features.

The post Ableton Move is a hit for blind and low vision users; more like this, please appeared first on CDM Create Digital Music.

by Peter Kirn at February 10, 2025 01:50 PM

February 09, 2025 - a.k.a. Rui Nuno Capela

Qtractor 1.5.3 - A Mid-Winter'25 Release

Qtractor 1.5.3 - A Mid-Winter'25 Release

Hi all,

Qtractor 1.5.3 (mid-winter'25) is out!


  • MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll): mouse cursor pointer shape now follows the current edit/draw mode permanently.
  • Attempt to improve MIDI SPP accuracy by postponing MIDI Continue command in one 16th note at playback (re)start.
  • Specific to (lib)RubberBand time-stretching and pitch-shifting, formant preserve and finer (R3) engine processing are now added to audio clip/playback options.
  • Resume normal playback state if rolling when transport rewind or fast-forward is disengaged.
  • Custom Style Sheet files (*.qss): all url() paths are considered relative to style-sheet file location.
  • Enforce a fixed size when LV2 plug-in UI no-user-resize feature is explicitly requested.)


Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.


Project page:


Git repos:



Qtractor is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


rncbc Sun, 9 Feb 2025 - 12:00

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by rncbc at February 09, 2025 12:00 PM

February 06, 2025

Abstraction Leakage

(This post is geekery of, if not the highest order, then fairly high order. It doesn’t contain any useful information about Ardour itself, but might be interesting for … people interested in such arcana)

The packaging issue that broke translations in our initial release of 8.11 for Linux and macOS was almost a cool bug. I thought I’d quickly describe it here for the geeks among us.

The problem came from a combination of two things: an actual error in our packaging scripts, and the subtle and generally not-considered behavior of the Unix find command.

Our wonderful translators work on files that end in “.po” and connect the original english strings in the source code with their translated versions. During the build process, tools from the GNU translation system are used to convert the .po files into .mo files (aka “message catalogs”), which contain the same information but in a binary format that can be more efficiently used by the program when it is running.

During packaging Ardour for distributions, we copy all the .mo files into a new location in preparation for “bundling” (e.g. as a DMG file for macOS or a .run file for Linux). The copy also requires a renaming, because the organization of the message catalogs for use by the program needs to be fairly different than the way they are organized in our source code.

So the first bug was that we used find(1) to locate all the .mo files and copy/rename them. We start in several locations within the source code, including the directory that holds the GUI source code (gtk2_ardour). The files we’re looking for are in the po folder, and we use find because we don’t want to hard-code the languages that have translations. However, it turns out that there are another set of message catalogs associated with the RedHat/Fedora “appdata” system, and these files not only also are somewhere under gtk2_ardour but also, because of the way the translation software works, they have the same name.

So, if find finds the “real” message catalogs first and copies/renames them during packaging, and then later finds the “appdata” message catalogs, the latter will overwrite the former in the package being built. This is a bug - the appdata message catalogs are placed in the packaging at a separate step of the process, and we should not have been using a command that was so generic. This was easy to fix (and has been).

But wait a minute … didn’t this work just fine for Ardour 8.10 and other releases? It did. How could that be? Well, recall that at the beginning of the previous paragraph I wrote “if find …”. It turns out that that the order in which find will find files, unless told otherwise, depends on the filesystem the files are located on. Consequently, if you use two different types of filesystem (e.g. on Linux the ext4 or xfs filesystems), find may very well return files in a different order on each.

However, it does deeper than this. Certain directory operations can also cause the filesystem to change its state in a way that will change the order in which find finds files. It turns out that this had happened within the build systems we use for macOS and Linux. At the time we released 8.10, find would locate the (unintended) appdata message catalogs first, copy/rename them into the package and then later repeat this for the real message catalaogs. Result? The package has the correct translation files and everything works. When we released 8.11, the ordering had changed, and the real message catalogs were found first, and then overwritten by the “appdata” ones. Result – translations do not work.

I thought this was an example of a fairly cool and unusual category of bug. There was an error in our packaging scripts - we used an unnecessarily generic command to find message catalogs that needed installing, which found files it should not have. But this mistake by itself did not matter on systems where the unintended files were found first. It only caused problems when the unintended files were found second.

This is not a perfect example of what programmers called “Abstraction Leakage”, but it’s not a bad one. We generally like to think of filesystems as things where the details of their internal organization do not really matter, and for the most part that is possible. But combine the fact that their internal organization does affect the order that a program like find will list files in, and the bug in our packaging script, and all of a sudden the internal details of how filesystems work becomes a thing we have to think about.

3 posts - 3 participants

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by Paul Davis at February 06, 2025 04:13 PM

February 04, 2025

News – Ubuntu Studio

LTS Upgrades (22.04 to 24.04) ARE BACK!

Following a bug in ubuntu-release-upgrader which was causing Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS to fail to upgrade to 24.04 LTS, we are pleased to announce that this bug has been fixed, and upgrades now work.

As of this writing, this update is being propagated to the various Ubuntu mirrors throughout the world. The version of ubuntu-release-upgrader needed is 24.04.26 or higher, and is automatically pulled from the 24.04 repositories upon upgrade.

Unfortunately, while testing this fix, we noticed that, due to the time_t64 transition which prevents the 2038 problem, some packages get removed. We have noticed that, if upgrading from 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS, the following applications get removed (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Blender
  • Kdenlive
  • digiKam
  • GIMP
  • Krita (doesn’t get upgraded)

To fix this, immediately after upgrade, open a Konsole terminal (ctrl-alt-t) and enter the following:

sudo apt -y remove ubuntstudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video ubuntustudio-photography && sudo apt -y install ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video ubuntustudio-photography && sudo apt upgrade

If you do intend to upgrade, remember to purge any PPAs you may have enabled via ppa-purge so that your upgrade will go as smooth as possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience that may have been caused by this bug, and we hope your upgrade process goes as smooth as possible. There may be edge cases where this goes badly as we cannot account for every installation and whatever third-party repositories may be enabled, in which case the best method is to back-up your /home directory and do a clean installation.

Remember to upgrade soon, as Ubuntu Studio 22.04 goes End Of Life (EOL) in April!

by eeickmeyer at February 04, 2025 08:01 PM - LAD


I don't suppose inactivity from me will be terribly surprising to anyone after the past several years. Still, since I was working on emptying my bug-fix and maintenance queue, making releases, and finally getting to some significant forward progress again, an update:

Unfortunately I got violently ill last week with some horrible flu-like thing, the worst I've ever had (and I'm a COVID casualty, so that's saying quite a lot). Somehow, it's still going strong. So, aside from maybe a few minutes a day of idle tinkering, everything I was doing is on pause for a while. Hopefully a short while, but so far so not good, so we'll see.

As an added bonus, Google just bricked my phone with a botched forced update, so I'm locked out of 2FA and many other things besides (I suppose I had to learn the hard way that I've gotten lazy and too dependent on that horrible device). So, yeah, things aren't going great, to put it lightly.

On the bright side, I do have some exciting things in the queue, but since I don't do vapourware or hype (to a fault, really), and have a huge amount of "infrastructure" work to do first anyway, you'll have to stay tuned for that. Assuming I don't die first, anyway.

... if I do, it would be pretty funny that this was my last post though, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

[Edited on 2025-02-16 to remove broken link]

by drobilla at February 04, 2025 07:40 PM

February 03, 2025

Ardour 8.11 released

Ardour 8.11 is a hotfix release that contains a fix for a critical workflow-blocking bug. All users of 8.10 and all Linux distributions should upgrade to 8.11 as soon as possible.

The bug occurs whenever the user is working on a session using musical time as the default time domain (Session > Properties > Misc). If they carry out any operation that causes Ardour to write a modified copy of existing audio data to a new file (such as timestretching, pitch-shifting or reversing), there is a very high probability that they will be unable to reopen to the session in the future. Such sessions can be recovered manually with a text editor, but this is not an acceptable pattern for our users.

8.11 includes a fix for one other crashing bug. This bug only affected people using meters not denominated in quarter notes (crotchets) (e.g. 6/8 or 5/8). Adding BBT markers in such sessions would cause a crash soon after.


28 posts - 11 participants

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by Paul Davis at February 03, 2025 04:41 PM

January 29, 2025


Integrating jj-fzf into Emacs

Introduction Built on jj and fzf, jj-fzf offers a text-based user interface (TUI) that simplifies complex versioning control operations like rebasing, squashing, and merging commits. This post will guide you through integrating jj-fzf into your Emacs workflow, allowing to switch between emacs and jj…

January 29, 2025 11:54 PM

January 25, 2025


JJ-FZF 0.25.0: Major New Features

The jj-fzf project has just seen a new release with version 0.25.0. This brings some new features, several smaller improvements, and some important changes to be aware of. For the uninitiated, jj-fzf is a feature-rich command-line tool that integrates jj and fzf, offering fast commit navigation with…

January 25, 2025 07:06 PM

January 19, 2025

General MIDI Synth Update

Earlier today I have updated the soundfont that is used by Ardour’s General MIDI Synth.

The upside is that some voices now sound better, the downside is that it existing sessions may sound different. If you have an ear to lend please test (it will be shipped with Ardour 9, once that’s ready):

Kudos to Chris Collins for creating and maintaining the soundfont that we use. He also published a video showcasing some highlights of the long list of changes (previously gmsynth.lv2 used v1.52):

3 posts - 3 participants

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by Robin Gareus at January 19, 2025 01:56 AM

January 17, 2025 - a.k.a. Rui Nuno Capela

Qtractor 1.5.2 - A New-Year'25 Release

Qtractor 1.5.2 - A New-Year'25 Release


Qtractor 1.5.2 (new-year'25) released!


  • Duplex MIDI Clock mode is not allowed anymore.
  • Immediate and consecutive plugin parameter changes are now merged into a single undo-able command, reflecting only the first value change in the series, dropping the previous old algorithm, which was dead wrong if not utterly defective.
  • Unique track names resolve to the first line only.
  • Help/Shortcuts... Search tool gets implemented; all changed MIDI controller shortcuts are reverted to their previous settings, when discarding or dismissing the dialog.
  • Fixed missing MIDI SPP in some cases.


Qtractor is an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.


Project page:


Git repos:



Qtractor is free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


rncbc Fri, 17 Jan 2025 - 18:00 Permalink

error: nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64
rounak@rounak:~/Downloads>sudo zypper install /home/rounak/Downloads/qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm
Refreshing service 'NVIDIA'.
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: 1: nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64
Solution 2: break qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c): 1

Resolving dependencies...
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.

rounak@rounak:~/Downloads>sudo zypper install /home/rounak/Downloads/padthv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm /home/rounak/Downloads/drumkv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm /home/rounak/Downloads/samplv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm /home/rounak/Downloads/synthv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm

Refreshing service 'NVIDIA'.
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: 1: nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed samplv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install samplv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64
Solution 2: break samplv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c): ^C
Trying to exit gracefully...

drumkv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.x86_64.AppImage padthv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm samplv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm
drumkv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm padthv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.x86_64.AppImage synthv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.x86_64.AppImage
jack-keyboard-2.7.2 qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm synthv1-lv2-1.3.0-7.1.rncbc.suse.x86_64.rpm
jack-keyboard-2.7.2.tar.gz qtractor-1.5.2-9.1.x86_64.AppImage
old samplv1-jack-1.3.0-7.1.x86_64.AppImage


you need to install librubberband3 too;

you can take it from here please.

In reply to by rncbc


thank you very much sir!

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by rncbc at January 17, 2025 06:00 PM